June 7, 8 and 9 summer weekend at the Résidence

Saturday June 8

garden party evening (7pm)

free admission

Visit to the major “Perspectives” exhibition

Optical Illusion – the exhibition by artist Ygrek (Geneva)
OPEN AIR MUSEUM – the new murals on the Water parcours
L’Art au Domaine – by Solomostry (Milan)

Performance night projections on the manor by Lumia Sylko

Dj setHouse / Afrotech / Funk & Urban 90’s – 2000’s by Yapaanda & Uka

Drinks Le Bar’à Tché

Artists’ rendez-vous (1pm)

Gaspard Louane and Jasm One invite amateur and professional artists from all horizons to a day of creation and encounters in the heart of the Domaine du Mont d’Or.

free, info and registration required before June 3
-> write to: info@artvalais.com


Google Map
Location: Résidence Mont d’Or Art Valais, Rue de Savoie 64, 1950 Sion
By bus: “Pont-de-la Morge, Mont d’Or” stop
By car: Parking area available

June 7, 8 and 9 summer weekend at the Résidence
June 9 children's workshop
June 7, 8 and 9 summer weekend at the Résidence